Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I don't think I'm that different from a lot of people these days. I used to work at my dream job. I thought I would be able to stay there until I was ready to retire, then the recession hit. I was laid off, newly married and with a fresh new mortgage. And so my freak out began.

I had a lot of people tell me to take some time off before I started looking, but I knew better. I had been listening to the news for years and while I had been thru a few other smaller economic downturns, I knew this one was gonna be different - and not in a good way.

I started looking for work immediately, but it felt like either no one was hiring of there were about a 100 other people applying for the same job or companies were downsizing even more. It has been incredibly difficult. I, like so many others, have not bounced back to where I was economically. I know I am luckier than others, because I had my husband for support and we were able to make enough cuts to float by, but it has been tough. I find myself at a job making what I made nearly 10 yrs ago and with no benefits. I am still looking, sending out about 10-20 resumes a week in hopes of landing somewhere better.

These experiences, these challenges, we face have a deep impact and change us, change those around us and change our perspective. Maybe it was all the time spent watching cable news and reality TV, but I feel a renewed urge to do something say something about the state of our society, of our country. I see how divided we seem to be, how negative politics have gotten and I just can't stay quiet.

I know that this country's greatness lies in everyone being able to have an opinion, but when did facts loose their place in discussions? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. I know I am going to annoy, piss off and irritate a lot of people, but I would like to believe that if someone can come to me with facts that will sway my opinion.

So this blog will be part rant, part digital diary and part effort to sway some people on the fence to my way of thinking and maybe sway my opinion to someone else's way of thinking. I will try to keep an open mind and hope you do as well.

But be warned I lean heavily to the left on most subjects.

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